Sunday, June 26, 2005



Norm at Night

We will be discussing the upcoming election race with a number of the candidates as they jockey for position in the primaries. I hope that we will be able to spend some time with the first viable socialist candidate since Eugene Debs garnered 900,000 votes from a jail cell. Hopefully the message of John Paul II won't be forgotten as the ideas of Dorthea Day and the Catholic Worker again make their presence felt in the arena.

Lets do battle!

Thursday, June 23, 2005


The Summer Season

Welcome to the new summer season of Norm at Night. We have a lot of good things planned this year for our listeners and readers. We will be conducting a series of political interviews with candidates in an election simulation with some very smart high school students. It is going very "network" this year. I will record my impressions of the whole affair right here in the Blog.

We will also be doing some mp3 recordings available to you all of Norm on the air. Audio blogging is very hot right now and we will do some of that here I promise. The subject of the Blog will be politics, politics, politics.

Isssue One

Let us change the Pledge to the flag.......take out the word God and replace it with people

"one nation, under the people, with liberty and justice for all."

So from the left side of the political aisle, this is Norm, saying have a good day and lets do battle again on the issues!

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